Integrated search

You can help visitors find what they are looking for by adding the integrated search to your website.

Website settings

To add integrated search, you must first enable this feature in the Website settings dialog.

Then you must select the kind of search engine you want to use. There are two options for that.

Search engine
Deployed JSon file (default)
This mode will use an automatically generated JSon file that contains references to all your pages. 
This file is built when you generate your website. It is also deployed with your pages. 
Custom service
This mode will use your own service to perform search. 
Please read online technical documentation to create your service and use it on your website.

Note: The deployed JSon file mode is based on the values you define in the Description and Keywords meta data when you create your pages. Make sure you fill all the values to allow the search engine to find your pages.

Add search boxes to your menus

To add a search field to a navigation menu, open the Edit menu dialog and select the Special options tab.

  1. Activate the Show global search feature
  2. Type the different texts that will be shown in the menu
  3. Save your menu

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